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Heat treatment in a sentence

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Sentence count:206Posted:2018-09-03Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: silent treatmenttreatmenttax treatmentmistreatmentill-treatmentmaltreatmentpretreatmentunder treatment
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(1) After full heat treatment, the alloy proved to be five times as strong as the pure aluminium.
(2) We have heat treatment facilities here that nobody else can replicate.
(3) Nevertheless as part of the cooking or heat treatment process dry heat is often applied in a widespread manner.
(4) We know that heat treatment is detrimental to milk.
(5) All heat treatment by quenching and tempering.
(6) Gray cast iron heat treatment.
(7) Familiar test with the heat treatment, shot peening.
(8) Martensite heat - resistant steel type of heat treatment.
(9) The heat treatment improves the tensile strength.
(10) TC increases as the heat treatment temperature increases.
(11) However Incineration and heat treatment are potential.
(12) The effects of heat treatment temperature, time and storage time on the quality of fresh-cut Chinese water chestnut were studied using a central composite rotation design.
(13) Being crystallized under such heat treatment conditions(sentence dictionary), the spontaneous devitrification of the glasses could be overcome and their microhardness could also be greatly improved.
(14) The influence of heat treatment on milk components was discussed, and the differences of UHT milk, pasteurized milk and retorting milk were comparatively evaluated from nutrition point of view.
(15) The post heat treatment is an effective way to improve the ultrasonically spray-pyrolysed powders in terms of the electrochemical characteristics.
(16) The glass used in those roofs undergoes a special toughening process involving heat treatment followed by rapid cooling.
(17) If the resultant hollow in the neck is really severe it might require a form of heat treatment to rectify the situation.
(18) Only when Brearley demonstrated that the problem could be solved by carefully controlled heat treatment did the stainless-steel knife become widely used.
(19) Pharmaceutical Intermediates species: Sodium Cyanate, Potassium Cyanate, Subsalt of Heat Treatment, the Main Ring of Promethazine Hydrochloride, Promethazine Hydrochloride Side Chain.
(20) Introducting a gear billet forming die carrier structure used on friction press for no fash forming discusses die carrier guide , ejector pins and main elements selection of materials, heat treatment.
(21) Metal heat protective coating material applies on each links of metal hot working-casting . forging and heat treatment in different degree.
(22) It possesses advanced full electroplated flow line, the full equipments which is specialized in manufacturing screwdriver, plastic ware, dual colors stretching rod and heat treatment.
(23) A new production process was developed through finite element simulation. The microstructure and mechanical properties of grates at both heat treatment and as-cast condition were analyzed.
(24) The design, manufacture and heating characteristic of a small solar furnace were introduced. The feasibility of its application in heat treatment was analyzed.
(25) In respect of induction heating, a magnetizer will considerably heighten both heating efficiency of inductor and heat treatment quality of part so as to save energy.
(26) According to microstructure and the results of hardness test[], appropriate adjustment of heat treatment could promote fatigue lift of spring steel.
(27) During the producing of cultured cream, there are the main processes to be controlled, including pre heat, standardisation, homogenisation, heat treatment, inoculation and incubation etc.
(28) In this paper, large alloy iron parts and low-alloy steel parts after surface heat treatment, used in the diesel engine , were tested and compared. By Leeb hardness sclerometer.
(29) The influence of different silicon contents on the medium carbon low-alloy steel microstructure and mechanical properties was studied under different heat treatment processes.
(30) The high quality film can be obtained on soda lime silicate glass substrate given the proper masking liquid and temperature of heat treatment.
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